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Tx-Multiscan: Product Description

Tx-Multiscan.Click for a larger image
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Tx-Multiscan is a small portable diagnostic system, which can be easily
and quickly connected to the oil sampling points of any transformer.
Then, Tx-Multiscan automatically tracks the desired system
temperatures and water content in the oil, and can provide the first data
snapshot and basic evaluation of water/dielectric problem of the
transformer already within 30 - 40 minutes.

Transformer Equilibrium Check & Data Evaluation

For proper data evaluation, the equilibrium operating environment of the transformer must meet the necessary criteria. In practice, this means the following :

• time variation of the mean temperature of the transformer


• time variation of the water content in the oil must be simultaneously lower then predefined limits

The Tx-MultiScan software solves the problem in the following steps:

the program is started by clicking on the MultiScan.exe icon at the Main window of the lap-top and we get the main Tx-Multiscan window.
By click on the Measuring button are data transferred into the lap-top and visualized in the form of the Data Table.

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By click on the button Equlibrium Check the timerelated diagram of Qw- and TTS-value (transformer average temperature) is shown or sent to the clipboard for reprocessing or can be re-opened by clicking on and evaluated under different MAD (Maximal Actual Drift) -limits.
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Advanced Evaluation

Clicking on the Cdata button in the Tx-MultiScan main window opens the Basic Data logger consisting from Consumer Data and Transformer Data. All data have to be properly entered to avoid problems concerning: o proper indentification of the transformer o quantitative evaluation of the amount water which should be removed according to client ´s demand via Nielsen Chart and LTC procedure
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After clicking on the Nielsen Chart button the evaluation of water content in the cellulose is shown.
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The Nielsen chart then enables in the Diagnosis section :

  • quantitative evaluation of the average water content in hard insulants of the transformer ( Qp = 2.9% in this case) based on the SU-reading of:
    • water content in oil 4
    • upper and bottom temperature of the transformer
    • equilibrium conditions
  • the first determination of operation conditions is focused on evaluation of the maximum allowed temperature level of this transformer where the water content in oil doesn´t exceed allowed limit transformer (49.8 deg C).

In the next diagnostic step, started by the click on TLC-button, the next very important relation between the theoretical dielectric strength of oil (Ud-value) and the averaged temperature of this specific transformer is established.

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This step is extremely important especially for the determination of IEC-requested operation conditions of the transformer (the Ud-value has to be, under operation condition, always higher than IEC-given limit).

In contrast to standard diagnostic which gives us only single Ud-value at a sampling temperature and nothing else, the TLC-relation (Temperature Loading Curve) gives us substantially better insight because describes the change of the Ud-value of oil within the whole temperature range of the given transformer .

Only this specific approach effectively inhibits misleading diagnostic results where the same :

  • "cold" transformer is often regarded as troublefree ( water content in oil is low (its relative humidity is low) and its Ud-value is therefore high)
  • "hot" transformer is often regarded as unsuitable ( water content in oil is high ( its relative humidity is high) and its Ud-value is e.g. lower than allows the norm).

The Tx-Multiscan not only show us the TLC-relation of a given transformer but enables us, by entering of demanded dielectric strenght and demanded Tx-temperature, to quantify the amount of water which has to be removed to meet this target.

For more details See please Tx-Multiscan Manual