ARS Altmann

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The ARS History and Present

Dipl.-Ing. Josef Altmann (1946) author of numerous patents, started his career with SKODA PILSEN. After the fall of the iron curtain, he started his own business with the continuous development of his own VS (Vacuum Separation) - on-line transformer treatment technology in Domazlice, Czech Republic (CZ).

Today, the core team consists of about 10 people for the research, development and production of the ARS SYSTEMS. Since creation of the ARS Group, nearly 200 treatment apparatus called "SYSTEMS" have been build and well over 500 transformers have been treated with those systems.

A continuous R&D is assuring a safe distance to its competitors so that the technological leadership is likely to be maintained. A very fast integration of permanent new developments into the current production and services is one of the key assets of the flexible adaptable and highly efficient ALTMANN Group.

The ALTMANN Group can thus be regarded much more as a SYSTEMS provider rather than a hardware producer. The equipment produced by ALTMANN or under it's control is always focussed to the key problems in the transformer industry, the application intelligence and the consulting being an integrative part of this equipment and of the ALTMANN method.

The ALTMANN Group took a big step ahead by introducing remote managed and controlled transformer treatment systems in 1998. Since then any transformer treatment process will be monitored on a daily basis, not only the ARS operator/supervisor, but the customer asset manager alone can receive any time quick reliable and up to date information about the process and the development.

Historical Highlights

Future Projects
